Assignment On Simple Interest



1.   A certain sum of money amounts to Rs. 5000 in 5 years at 10% per annum. In how many years will it amount to Rs. 6000 at the same rate?


2.   Find the sum of money that will amount to Rs. 5105 in 6½ years at 4¼ per cent per annum simple interest?


3.   Find to the nearest rupee, what principal amount to Rs. 3456.50 at 5½ per cent in 4 years?


4.   A person lent a certain sum of money at 7½% simple interest, and in 12½ years the interest amounted to Rs. 625 less than the sum lent. Find the sum lent?


5.   A sum of money becomes 5 times itself in 5 years at a simple interest. In how many years will it amount to 7 times itself?


6.   A sum of money becomes 5 times itself in 4 years at a simple interest. In how many years will it amount to 9 times itself?


7.   The simple interest on Rs. 750 will be less than the interest on Rs. 845 at 10% simple interest by Rs. 57. Find the time?


8.   The difference in simple interests on a certain sum at 4% per annum for 3 years and at 5% per annum for 2 years is Rs. 50. Find the sum.


9.   The difference between the interest received form two different banks on Rs. 200 for 3 years is Rs. 60. Find the difference between their rates.


10. The difference between the interest received form two different banks on Rs. 600 for 6 years is Rs. 72. Find the difference between their rates.


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