Assignment On Average





Rule 1




To find the average, when the number of quantities and their sum is given. We have the following formula




Sum of the quantities


Average = ————————————————————————


Number of quantities




Rule 2




Theorem: If the average of ‘m’ boys is ‘x’ and the average of ‘n’ boys is ‘b’ then the average of all of them put together




mx + ny


(= total average) is  = ——————————————————


m  +  n




Rule 3




Theorem: If the average of ‘m’ boys is ‘x’ and the average of ‘n’ boys out of them (m boys) is ‘y’ then the average age of rest of the boys is




mx - ny




m  -  n




Rule 4




Theorem: If the average of ‘n’ quantities is equal to ‘x’. When a quantity is removed the average becomes ‘y’. Then the value of the removed quantity is [n (x – y) + y].




Rule 5




Theorem: If the average of ‘n’ number is ‘m’ and if ‘x’ is added to or subtracted from each given number, the average of ‘n’ numbers becomes (m + x) or (m – x) respectively. In the other words average value will be increased or decreased by ‘x’.






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